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If you are using any of my kits in your tutorials please email me your blinkie and link so we can add you here.

scrappingbits AT
Thank you


You are welcome to link to my tuts :O) All tutorials are written by and © to Bits N Bobs Results are for personal use only. No monetry gain allowed and that includes placing them behind a paid or donation based membership area. Supplies are to be used for the tutorial they are supplied with and NOT to be shared. You are not allowed to share/forward or translate any of my tutorials or place them on any blog, website, CD, DVD or anywhere else without my permission. These tutorials are written from my own ideas and any similarities to any other tutorial is purely coincidental. All tutorials are for those with a working knowledge of paintshop pro. I reserve the right to amend these terms at any time.

Monday, 17 January 2022

Cold as Ice
Tutorial written by and © to Bits N Bobs 17th January 2022.
Results are for personal use only.
No monetry gain allowed and that includes placing them behind a paid or donation based membership area.
You are not allowed to share/forward or translate any of my tutorials or place them on any blog, website, DVD or anywhere else without my permission.
These tutorials are written from my own ideas and any similarities to any other tutorial is purely coincidental.
All tutorials are for those with a working knowledge of paintshop pro.
I reserve the right to amend these terms at any time.

Supplies needed.
Font of choice for your name.
I am using Winter in January
Tube of  choice.
I am using 102-2 by Anna Liwanag 
Tube is not to be used without the correct licence.
Any sparkle you have.
I have included mine below if you would like to use it.
DSB Flux/ Linear transmission

This tutorial was written in PSP 9.
Double click on your font and minimize.
Open all other supplies in paintshop.
Install any required plugins

Open a new image, 600 w x 250 h at 72 dpi.

1. On working image pick a colour from your tube and flood fill.
I have chosen black, #000000
Copy your tube, paste as a new layer on working image.
Image/ rotate/ free rotate/ left 90 all layers untabbed.
Effects/ Edge effects/ Enhance more.
Layers/ Duplicate layer.
Repeat so you have 4 layers.
Rename them 1 - 5 starting with your bottom flooded layer as Layer 1

2. Activate Layer 2
Effects/ Dsb flux/ Linear transmission.
Slice size 7, Offset 4, Blend -4, Direction Vertical.

Layer 3 repeat the effect but change the Offset to 8.
Layer 4 repeat the effect but change the Offset to 12.
Layer 5 repeat the effect but change the Offset to 16.

3. Activate layer 2,
Copy your sparkle and paste as a new selection in several areas.
Where is entirely up to you but remember Selections./ Select None after each layer
Activate layer 3 and repeat, trying to place the sparkle in different areas.
Do the same for layers 4 and 5.
You should have finished with Layer 5 active.

4. Copy your tube, paste as a new layer.
Position to your liking on the right hand side.
Add a drop shadow off choice.
I am using...
V 3 - H 3 - O 65 - B 11 - Colour #000000

5. Layers/ new raster layer.
Add any text you wish on this layer.
I added 'You're As Cold As Ice' with the same dropshadow 
 repeated twice.
Add your copyright info and name.
Layers/ merge/ Merge down, rename this to layer 6.

If not animating then you can File/ Export and save.


6. Activate layer 1,
Layers/ Duplicate, repeat so you have 4 of the floodfill layer.
Activate the top floodfilled layer,
Layers/ Arrange/ Move Up, repeat until it is below Layer 5.
Do the same so each layer (1-5) have a flood fill layer below it.
Once done activate Layer 5, Layers/ Merge/ Merge Down.
Rename back to layer 5
Activate Layer 4, Layers/ Merge/ Merge Down.
Rename back to layer 4
Repeat until each layer (2-5) is merged with it's flood filled
layer and renamed.

7. Turn off Layers 3-6) Activate layer 2, Edit/ copy merged, Turn off layer.

Open animation shop, paste as a new animation.
In paintshop, open layer 3, Edit/ copy merged, Turn off layer.
In animation shop, Edit/ paste after current frame.
In paintshop, open layer 4, Edit/ copy merged, Turn off layer.
In animation shop, Edit/ paste after current frame.
In paintshop, open layer 5, Edit/ copy merged, Turn off layer.
In animation shop, Edit/ paste after current frame.
Still in animation shop, Edit/ select all.
Click on F3, Edit/ copy, Click on F4 Edit/paste after current frame.
Click on F2, Edit/ copy, Click on F5 Edit/paste after current frame.
Click on F1, Edit/ copy, Click on F6 Edit/paste after current frame.
Edit/ Select all.
In paintshop, open layer 6, Edit/ copy merged, Turn off layer.
Open animation shop, paste as a new animation.
Edit/ copy, paste after current frame,
repeat paste affer current frame until you have 7 frames.
Edit/ select all.
Activate your working sliced animation,
Make sure all are still selected.
Edit/ Paste into selected frames.

8. In animation shop Edit/ Select all,
Crop your signature animation so it is
roughly 150 x 150
Animation/ re-size settings.
Resize to 150 x 150 (untab the ratio)
Create your copyright and initial in paintshop.
Copy and back in animation shop paste as a new animtaion.
Edit/ copy.
Activate your avatar.
Edit/ select all, edit/ propogate paste, Edit/ paste into selected frame.
Save as your avatar.

Wednesday, 12 January 2022


Candy Kisses
Tutorial written by and © to Bits N Bobs 12th January 2022.
Results are for personal use only.
No monetry gain allowed and that includes placing them behind a paid or donation based membership area.
You are not allowed to share/forward or translate any of my tutorials or place them on any blog, website, DVD or anywhere else without my permission.
These tutorials are written from my own ideas and any similarities to any other tutorial is purely coincidental.
All tutorials are for those with a working knowledge of paintshop pro.
I reserve the right to amend these terms at any time.

Supplies needed.
Font of choice for your name.
I am using Mister Valentine
Tube of  choice.
I am using Cupids Bow is coming by Bits N Bobs
Tube is not to be used without the correct licence.
Scrap kit freebie Candy Kisses by Bits N Bobs 

Items I have used are...
Elements 1, 5, 8,
Papes 1 and 2

Mask of choice
I am using mask 0316 by Simone
I am using Ani 253 by Simone

This tutorial was written in PSP 9.
Double click on your font and minimize.
Open all other supplies in paintshop.
Install any required plugins

Re-size both papers to 600 pixels wide.
Open a new image, 600 w x 250 h at 72 dpi.

1. Open paper 1,
Copy, paste as a new layer on working image.
Effects/ Edge effects/ Enhance more.
Open paper 4,
Layers/ new mask layer/ from image and select your mask.
Layers/ merge/merge group
Copy, paste as a new layer on working image.
Effects/ Edge effects/ Enhance more.

2. Copy E1, paste as a new layer.
Re-size to 22%, all layers untabbed.
Position to your liking on the right.
Layers/ Duplicate, Image/ Mirror, Image/ Flip
Layers/ Merge/ Merge down.
Add a drop shadow.
I am using...
V 3 - H 3 - O 65 - B 5 - Colour #000000

Layers/ Merge/ merge visible.
File, save as PSP 1.

3. Open a new image, 600 w x 250 h at 72 dpi.
Copy E5, paste as a new layer.
Re-size to 11%, all layers untabbed.
Position to your liking in the top left corner.
Layers/ Duplicate, Image/ Mirror
Layers/ Merge/ Merge down.
Add a drop shadow.
I am using the same settings throughout.

4. Copy your chosen tube, paste as a new layer.
Re-size to 60%
Position to the left hand side.
Add dropshadow.
V 3 - H 3 - O 65 - B 5 - Colour #000000

5. Copy E8, paste as a new layer.
Re-size to 5%, all layers untabbed.
Position to your liking in the bottom right corner.
Add dropshadow.
V 3 - H 3 - O 65 - B 5 - Colour #000000

6. Copy paper 2, paste as a new layer.
Selections/Select all, Image/ crop to selection.
Selections/Select all, Selections /Modify, contract by 5,
Edit/ Cut.
Add dropshadow.
Repeat dropshadow with H -3 and V -3

7. Layers/ New raster layer and addd your copyright info
Layers/ Merge/ merge visible.
File, save as PSP 2.

For animation skip the step in the note below and skip to ANIMATION SHOP.

NOTE *****
If you don't want animation
Add your copyright info, Name and File/Export as jpg and save.
END NOTE *****


8. Now we open animation shop.
Open PSP 1
Edit/ Copy, Paste after current frame.
Press Shift+Ctrl+L until you have a total of 16 frames
Or as many frames as your chosen animation has.
Edit/ Select all.

9. Open your chosen animation.
Edit/ Select all, Edit/ Copy
Go back to your working image,
Be sure all are still selected.
Edit/ Paste into selcted frames.
Click View/ Animation.
If you don't like it, undo and re paste into selected frames
and move your mouse before pasting so it's in a different position.
Placing an animation is always trial and error so don't worry if it takes a few attempts.

10. Go back to paintshop.
Activate PSP 2. Copy,
Back to Animation Shop and paste as a new animation.
Edit/ Copy, Paste after current frame.
Press Shift+Ctrl+L until you have a total of 16 frames
Or as many frames as your chosen animation has.
Edit/ Select all.

On working image, Edit/ paste into selected frames.
Be sure it lines up before placing.

File/ Optimiazation wizard

Customize then follow the screen shots for my settings.

You may need to adjust these setting depedning on your tube
but these are what I have used for this particular anamtion.

11. In animation shop Edit/ Select all,
Crop your signature animation so it is
roughly 150 x 150
Animation/ re-size settings.
Resize to 150 x 150 (untab the ratio)
Create your copyright and initial in paintshop.
Copy and back in animation shop paste as a new animtaion.
Edit/ copy.
Activate your avatar.
Edit/ select all, edit/ propogate paste, Edit/ paste into selected frame.
Save as your avatar.