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scrappingbits AT
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You are welcome to link to my tuts :O) All tutorials are written by and © to Bits N Bobs Results are for personal use only. No monetry gain allowed and that includes placing them behind a paid or donation based membership area. Supplies are to be used for the tutorial they are supplied with and NOT to be shared. You are not allowed to share/forward or translate any of my tutorials or place them on any blog, website, CD, DVD or anywhere else without my permission. These tutorials are written from my own ideas and any similarities to any other tutorial is purely coincidental. All tutorials are for those with a working knowledge of paintshop pro. I reserve the right to amend these terms at any time.

Monday, 19 December 2011
Shattered Christmas
Tutorial written by and © to Bits N Bobs 19th December 2011.
Results are for personal use only.
No monetry gain allowed and that includes placing them behind a paid or donation based membership area.
You are not allowed to share/forward or translate any of my tutorials or place them on any blog, website, DVD or anywhere else without my permission.
These tutorials are written from my own ideas and any similarities to any other tutorial is purely coincidental.
All tutorials are for those with a working knowledge of paintshop pro.
I reserve the right to amend these terms at any time.

Supplies needed.
Font of choice for your name.
I am using Bickley Script Plain
Tube of  choice.
I am using  one by Steve Baier
Mine is SB0025 Better To Give and available at UpYourArt
Tube is not to be used without the correct licence.
Plugins needed.
Alien Skin Xenofex2
AAA frames fotoframe

This tutorial was written in PSP 9 and needs animation shop for the animation.
Open all supplies in paintshop except the font.
Double click on your font and minimize.
Open a new image, 600 w x 250 h at 72 dpi.

1.Copy the image from your tube and paste as a new layer on your working image.
Layers/ Duplicate layer.
Image/ mirror. Position both layers so they line up.
You will now have a woman on both sides.

2. Layers/ duplicate layer,
Activate bottom layer
Effects/ plugins/ AAA frames/ foto frame

3.Activate top layer.
Effects, Alien Skin Xenofex 2/ Shatter

Layers/ properties change blend mode to Overlay
Effects, Alien Skin Xenofex 2/ Constellation

4.Copy your tube, paste as a new layer.
Position to your liking and add a drop shadow.
I am using H3, V3, O100, B7, colour #000000

5.Open a new image 180 x 180 for your avatar.
Copy your merged signature.
Paste as a new layer onto your avatar image.
Position to your liking, Image/ mirror.
Layers/ merge/ merge visible.
Effects/ Plugins/ AAA frames/  foto frame.

6.Add your copyright info and name to both and save.


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